A very different turkey on Thanksgiving

Thursday was the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, a day that traditionally includes overindulging on a turkey dinner. As anyone who has participated in a grade school play knows, the holiday is supposed to symbolize the meal the Pilgrims shared with the Native Americans who befriended them and helped them survive their first harsh winter. […]

Wichita Mountains interlude

I was feeling drained of new ideas on Friday after a busy, but productive week, so I set my sights on the one place in Oklahoma that is guaranteed to rejuvenate the spirit: the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge. The place is a 60,000-acre reminder that God doesn’t live inside a church. These mountains are […]

The backyard nemisis

Have you noticed that the birds are staying away from the BirdCam feeders? I surely have… and this guy is one of the reasons why. You might think that I’d get used to this predator v. prey thing that goes on in the backyard every winter. I just haven’t been able to. Now, I am […]