Upgrade for BirdCam #2

I’m pleased to report that BirdCam #2 has been replaced with a newer camera and the image is much improved. I’ll be working to get the best focus and position for the ground feeder shot but I am already very happy that the newer camera shows much more detail in the birds on the feeders.

The old camera may show up as new page — BirdCam #3 if I can find a location in the yard that suits its focal length limitations (perhaps just a closeup shot of one feeder). I’ll see if the Downy Woodpeckers might not mind being on camera!

The temperatures are now around 100(F) and the heat buildup in the camera enclosures causes quite a bit of blurring during the afternoon hours. I’ll try to install a vent in Cam #1’s box… for now I prop open the lid which some of you may have noticed can cause the lid to fall off. Since we’re in the middle of a drought there’s little danger of damage from rain so I may just leave it off.

Let me know if you see a difference in BirdCam #2…

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