Why does mom have to do all the work?

Sometimes it seems that mom simply has to do all the work in making sure that kids eat like they’re supposed to! At least that seemed to be the case with this fledgling Barn Swallow and a very dedicated parent. For the last in my “dinner is served” series, I’ve chosen an example of how dinner is sometimes (literally) “on the fly.” This young Barn Swallow sat patiently on the barbed wire fence while the adult flew over the field catching small bugs. The youngster would flap its wings and get really excited when the parent was close — which gave me a great cue for focusing the camera! There aren’t many times when a bird tells me “great shot is coming!”

While many birds will perch to feed a young bird — even small birds like hummingbirds will perch at the nest to feed the young — there are some adults that just don’t take the time to sit while feeding. The Barn Swallow is an excellent example. I’ve also observed Scissor-tailed Flycatcher feeding fledglings while staying airborne. Perhaps it’s easier for birds like swallows and flycatchers who are more adept at hovering?

I’m grateful this little family allowed me to watch their routine and get a few photos. It’s too easy to take a familiar and common bird like the Barn Swallow for granted. But the experience of watching these Barn Swallows interact gave me a wonderful lesson in the beauty, elegance and personality that is the reward of sitting still. I’m very grateful I took the time!

9 comments to Why does mom have to do all the work?

  • Les

    Hi Pat, great picture.


  • Love the pic.

    Congratulations on your Okie Blog Award!

  • What an awesome shot. Barn swallows are my second favorite birds — second only to Pushy Galore, my adorable (and very outgoing) buff Orpington hen.

    Congratulations on the award!

  • Congrats on winning the OBA!

  • Congratulations on your 2007 Okie Blogger Award!

    I was hoping your unique Oklahoma birding blog would be recognized. Great work!

  • Chuck Davis, Tulsa

    Very nice and unpretentious presentation

    For some reason I struggle with Paul Tay being in the same category which is knot to say Pimp This Town is in any way “usual”

  • That is an outstanding picture. How long did you have to wait before getting this pic? Did you have to try to attract this species, or did it just nest there on its own?

    (I have all these questions because I’ve just started attracting birds to our back yard.)


  • I really didn’t have to wait very long to take this picture. The fledgling was sitting on the fence wire and making quite a racket so I knew the parent would show up soon. I took a series of photos during the 3-4 trips the adult made to feed this young one… I especially liked this photo because of the “mid-air” feeding technique.

    I’m not a very patient bird photographer — I wish I was — so I rely a lot on capturing images of the birds that land close by.

    Glad you enjoy the picture — and keep enjoying those backyard birds!

  • I love your bird pictures. I used to be an avid bird watcher, not so much now because of my job. But I love them still and try to get pictures when I can. I work on my own site as well. Take a look at it if you would.
    Thank you for the lovely pictures of the birds.Peacefulvisions.com

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