Winter challenges for birds

It’s been several weeks since I’ve found the time to write about the birds in my area. My father’s been hospitalized since the first of the month and my time management skills have been challenged by adding several new projects yet wanting to join my brother and sisters at the hospital. So, my desk is piled with things that need to be done and I haven’t found much time to see what the birds have been up to.

I missed writing about last week’s cold weather and light snow. It brought the Harris’s Sparrows to my yard along with several goldfinches. I made sure that the feeders and heated bird bath stayed full and the birds graciously returned the favor by keeping me company through several very cold days. The Great-tailed Grackles and Brown-headed Cowbirds made an appearance, the first they’ve visited the yard in quite some time.

On the way to visit dad at the hospital one day last week, I stopped by Lake Hefner and found ice cover on the coves. And this Great Blue Heron looked completely miserable as he walked on the ice to an open area. These beautiful herons are year-round residents in central Oklahoma so they’ve surely found ways to cope with the winter weather. But it’s still odd to see such a regal, tropical-looking bird standing on ice!

Tomorrow is the Oklahoma City Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count. I’m planning to join the birders who will survey the Lake Hefner area. The weather forecast is calling for snow — it will be interesting to see if we can find some unusual birds, brought in perhaps by the cold front. And I’m hoping to be there at sunset to see if the Merlin is still hanging out at Prairie Dog Point.

Happy birding!

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